Matching Grant (MG)
The Matching Grant Program (MG) is a post-resettlement program that provides employment services to refugees and other ORR-eligible populations. The program goal is to gain economic independence within 180 to 240 days of enrollment. MG offers 8 months of individualized case management and job readiness support, while clients are in the initial process of identifying and securing sustainable employment.
Services Provided:
- Intensive Case management
- Employment & Skills Training
- Job referrals
- Financial Literacy & Budgeting
The Matching Grant Program also supports client with:
- Cash Assistance
- Rental Assistance
- Transportation Allowance
- English Language Learning Classes
- Health and Medical Support
Matching Grant clients may apply for other benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid, or Refugee Medical Assistance.
Eligible population include:
- Refugees
- Asylees
- Special Immigrant Visa (SIVs)
- Certified Victims of Torture (T- Visa Holders)
- Asylees, Victims of Torture, and SIVs must enroll in MG within 90 days of the final grant of status. Newly arrived refugees must enroll within 30 days of admission.