Action Alert! Show Your Support for Refugees Today

Thank you for being our partner in our fight to continue welcoming refugees. Though the Presidential Determination, which sets the number of refugees to be allowed in this fiscal year, has not been finalized, we currently expect this number to be 45,000, which is the lowest refugee admissions ceiling since 1980. This comes in the midst of the largest refugee crisis since World War II. These are people, like you and me, your siblings and your children and your parents, who have nowhere to go. They are traumatized, desperate and they are survivors of calamities that forced them to leave their home.

How you can help:
Call your members of Congress. Ask them to support policies that welcome refugees into America. Insist on a ceiling of at least 75,000 refugees for the coming year. Call now and every day this week and next to let them know how you feel. Also, call your friends and family and urge them to make the calls too. (Calling is the most effective way to have an impact and really does make a difference. Here are some tips to help you find your legislators contact information and some things you can say on that call. It's easy!)

Join our twitter storm using the hashtag #RefugeesWelcome. We are asking people to tweet their support for continuing to welcome at least 75,000 refugees. Check out our guide which includes a #RefugeesWelcome graphic that you can use on your social media and please help us make some noise! (Don't tweet? That's OK. Call your members of Congress again!)

Thank you for standing with us! #RefugeesWelcome


Show Your Support for Immigrants and Refugees