Call to Action: #Welcome75k Refugees!

The Administration just announced that they will only allow up to 30,000 refugees in the coming year. As friends of refugees, we know the challenges newcomers face are greater than ever. It is time to join together and call for an end to the stealh attacks on the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.

We know that refugee resettlement reflects American core values and is in our strategic, economic, and diplomatic best interests. The United States CAN and SHOULD #Welcome75k refugees during the largest refugee crisis in record history. Please join us in taking action by picking up the phone and using social media to urge your elected officials to do everything in their power to make sure the White House #Welcome75k refugees in 2019. Sample scripts for phone calls and social media posts are avaliable on this page.


If you have five minutes, Call your PA Senators’ offices and express your concerns:

• Sen. Bob Casey (D) – (202) 224-6324 |@SenBobCasey
• Sen. Pat Toomey (R) – (202) 224-4254 | @SenToomey


If you have fifteen minutes, call or tweet at influential members on the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Urge the Republican Committee members to continue pushing to meet with President Trump for the required congressional consultation before the final Presidential Determination for Refugee Admissions FY19 are announced:

• Sen. Chuck Grassley (Chairman – R) – 202-224-3744 | @ChuckGrassley*
• Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R) – (202) 224-5251 | @SenOrrinHatch
• Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) – (202) 224-5972 | @LindseyGrahamSC
• Sen. John Cornyn (R) - 202-224-2934 |@JohnCornyn
• Sen. Michael S. Lee (R) – 202-224-5444 | @SenMikeLee
• Sen. Ted Cruz (R) - (202) 224-5922 | @SenTedCruz
• Sen. Ben Sasse (R) – 202-224-4224 | @SenSasse
• Sen. Jeff Flake (R) – 202-224-4521 | @SenFlake*
• Sen. Mike Crapo (R) – (202) 224-6142 | @MikeCrapo
• Sen. Thom Thillis (R) – (202) 224-6342 | @SenThomTillis
• Sen. John Kennedy (R) – (202) 224-4623 | @SenJohnKennedy

If you have twenty fiveminutes, also call Republican Members on the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to and demand the United States continue to live up to the country’s founding ideals:

• Sen. Bob Corker (Chairman -- R) – (202) 224-3344 | @SenBobCorker*
• Sen. James Risch (R) – (202) 224-2753 | @SenatorRisch
• Sen. Marco Rubio (R) – (202) 224-3041 | @MarcoRubio
• Sen. Ron Johnson (R) – (202) 224-5323 | @SenRobJohnson
• Sen. Cory Gardner (R) – (202) 224-5941 | @SenCoryGardner
• Sen. Todd Young (R) – (202) 224-5623 | @SenToddYoung
• Sen. John Barrasso (R) – (202) 224-6441 | @SenJohnBarrasso
• Sen. Johnny Isakson (R) – (202) 224-3643 | @SenatorIsakson
• Sen. Rob Portman (R) – (202) 224-3353 | @SenRobPortman
• Sen. Rand Paul (R) – (202) 224-4343 | @RandPaul


Sample script:
"My name is _______ and I’m a concerned U.S. citizen. I urge you to support the U.S. refugee resettlement program and act immediately. I strongly oppose the proposed refugee admissions number at 30,000 in 2019—the lowest in U.S. history. The government has accepted far fewer refugees into the country than the announced cap this past year, leaving actual number of refugees admitted drastically lower during the worst global displacement crisis in history.

Refugee resettlement is a strong bipartisan tradition that reflects American values. The program is a strong diplomatic tool and enhances stability in critical regions, alleviating the strain on our allies while reducing the potential for conflict and terrorism. I also urge you to support the continued arrival of Special Immigrant Visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave and committed individuals have played a critical role in our national security and should be afforded the opportunities for safety and protection.

Refugees also strengthen the American economy and are a true investment. I urge you to do everything in your power to see the Administration attend the required congressional consultation on the Presidential Determination and resettle at least 75,000 refugees in fiscal year 2019. America CAN and SHOULD welcome 75,000 refugees as a world leader.

My community welcomes refugees and immigrants, and I urge you to do the same."


Additionally, you can use Social Media to amplify #Welcome75k on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Tweet at other government officials:
The President @realDonaldTrump, Vice President Mike Pence @VP, the Secretary of State Popeo @SecPompeo, and the Secretary of Defense #SecDef Mattis

Tweet Samples:

  • We’re facing the largest global refugee crisis in record history, with more than 68 million people displaced from their homes. Over 25 million are refugees, including those fleeing because of their religion and political opinion. Our country CAN & SHOULD #Welcome75k in FY19. @VP
  • Welcoming refugees is a bipartisan, American value. Why is @realDonaldTrump cutting refugee admissions to a historically local 25,000 or less? This is unacceptable! #Welcome75k #RefugeesWelcome
  • @SenToomey We also urge you to support the continued arrival of Special Immigrant Visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave and committed have played a critical role to our national security and should be afforded opportunities for safety and protection.
  • @SenBobCasey Tell the White House thatPennsylvania is ready to welcome #refugees in fiscal year 2019. #Welcome75k #RefugeesWelcome #WeAreAllAmerica
  • Resettling #refugees advances U.S. strategic interests in four major ways: it aids in the recruitment of intelligence assets abroad, increases U.S. global influence, undermines anti-Western propaganda, and help promotes stability in foreign countries. @SecPompeo #SecDef Mattis
  • @SenToomey Investing one dollar in helping refugees get started can yield nearly two dollars in economic benefits within five years, according to a study conducted by Open Political Economic Network think tank. Refugees also boost innovation in US companies.

We also encourage you to check out to learn about more ways to make your voice heard to protect refugees.